MON-THU 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
FRI - 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
SAT - Available for kids under 12 by appointment
SUN - Close
"Delighted to make you smile"
Folsom Dental office for the whole family
We Accept

At Delight Dental Group we recognize the importance of providing you with the best dental experience. Our aim is, to create a comfortable environment for our patients.
We are here to offer you a complete dental health approach. We are keen on oral health and dental hygiene awareness.
Between the friendliness of our team and the comfort of our latest technology equipment, we want you to feel welcomed and stress-free.
We pay attention to your dental needs. Our philosophy is based on; clear diagnosis, prevention and quality treatment when needed. Our providers are open to answer all your questions and concerns.
Located in Folsom, we provide dental care for the whole family.
Our Office in Folsom, CA
Our providers Dr. Hassan and Dr. Khalil go a long way back. They met during dental school, and through the years working together, they developed an idea about how their office would be. They have the kind of understanding and teamwork that positively reflects on the office environment. Their vision involves an office that is a perfect combination of professional and friendly. They create a pleasant environment for everyone they interact with. Having different fields of expertise, allows Dr. Hassan and Dr. Khalil to provide comprehensive dental care and offer their patients most of their dental needs in-house.
We welcome you and your family to our office and provide a dental experience centered on your needs.
Our personalized care, combined with the latest in dental technology and treatments, will allow us to brighten your smile and improve your quality of life.
Our team treats each individual with the care and attention they deserve. For your convenience, you can book online or call to make an appointment. We look forward to seeing you!
We are happy to serve Folsom, CA and its surroundings.